Saturday, May 15, 2010

The reconstruction of lung cancer?

on April 4, 2010

When the diagnosis of lung cancer, medical examiner will assign type (non-small cell lung cancer or small cell lung cancer) and a stage of cancer phase is a standardized classification indicating the extent of the cancer and will determine what type of treatment that constitutes your oncologist.

Lung cancer staging is based on a pathology report (disease) from tissues during Bronchoscopy, needle biopsy (or other) blood tests and imaging studies not distance Metastasis.

Posted in non-small-cell, leaving small cell from samTrackback "understanding the least invasive lung cancer and Lung SurgeryPhase III stopped testing of pancreatic cancer" a response

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215

Friday, May 14, 2010

Phase III trials for pancreatic cancer and lung is stopped

on April 6, 2010

Two phase III clinical trials was cancelled last week after it was found that they are not likely to meet the primary endpoints.

The trial ATTRACT-1 testing the drug ASA404 in patients with lung cancer previously untreated, advanced non-small cell (NSCLC), ASA404, vadimezan, also known as is a new type of angiogenesis inhibitor is called vascular. trial was stopped after a planned interim analysis showed

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Testing can easily point early lung cancer

on April 7, 2010

Researchers may see an easy way to detect lung cancer in early or even pre-cancerous step, as well as a way to reverse the deadly disease, with an accessible, OTC drugs.

"Is incredible, incredibly exciting," said Dr. Patrick Nana-Sinkam, an expert lung cancer with the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, which has not been involved with the new study This really has potential. "

Minimally invasive process involves using a small brush to collect a smattering of cells from the windpipe (Bronchoscopy), a study of Andrea Slide explained, a senior lecturer in pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Published research, treatment with samTrackback "ANYONE can get lung cancer

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Everyone at AMAXOSTOIChiAS

So I started this blog, cavernous together in a once-again late train Amtrak Acela/DC-bound from New York, look in the dark, inky, think about what to write about next. Appeared in the pipeline, punching tickets each. I asked him why the train every 20 minutes late. At first he does not know, but then remembered that trains ran very slowly because of 90

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New test would be a game changer for lung cancer

Lung cancer is detected, most often not until it is too late. But a new study, doctors may have found a way to detect the disease before it becomes even cancer.

Researchers at Boston Medical Center have developed a test with a procedure known as a Bronchoscopy.

In fact, take a pipe, similar to a pipe cleaner, and running down the neck of the patient to collect cells.

Doctors then run tests on these cells to see if they have a gene that can be pre-dispose the patient to develop lung cancer in the future.

If the patient has these cells, doctors can begin treatment of the disease, before becoming cancer cells.

Published research of samTrackback "train tyres" leave a reply

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215

Monday, May 10, 2010

Earlier this week, you can see this story on the ABC News:

The effects of Peter Jennings: five years later

Lung cancer mortality has declined since the anchor was fatal disease.

As a former journalist and now lung Prosecutor, when I saw this story, I dropped off my chair grossly inaccurate at many levels.

First and foremost in journalism, the latest available mortality statistics in the context of integrated scientific lung cancer (and other statistical) since 2005.

Posted in education, more news from samTrackback "new test would be a game changer for using new technologies for patients with lung cancer hospital cancerHarlingen" leave a reply

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The hospital Alva with new technology for patients with cancer

11th april, 2010

A retired national weather service meteorologist from Gainesville was the first person in Texas to take advantage of surgical lung cancer through a new device that uses electricity and heat or freeze to kill cancer cells.

Dr. Daniel Fuentes was executed in Joseph Wanja, 68, on 30 March in Valley Baptist Medical Center-Stuart with the new device NanoKnife Valley Baptist Hospital. is the first hospital in Texas, and others in the nation to use the new system, the doctor said.

"This process with minimal invasive NanoKnife with irreversible Electroporation, creates an electric current to process the volume of cells in a way that was not before," said Fuentes.

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lung cancer and the end of Emergency room visits Life

As a mother, daughter and friend, I have spent my fair share of time in the event of an emergency room. Although the reason for the visit are pretty trivial – can be grueling. A broken collar bone, a full hand of meshes are used or a belly belly from eating too many gummy bears.

But as a caregiver daily instructions to someone with end-stage cancer, these methods can feel and hours millennia. cannot begin to imagine how these same moment feel uncomfortable for those who are in the final stages of cancer.

These same thoughts-er visits can be disruptive, painful and exhausting "and understand that approximately 40% of people are visiting YOUR final 2 weeks of life, researchers in Canada, which decided to examine the reasons why these visits occur in mind, some of these reasons it can be avoided?

Posted in education, prevention, from samTrackback "Thermal hospital with new technologies for cancer patientsRodent of the week: women, in oestrogen and lung cancer" leave a reply

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rodents of the week: women, in oestrogen and lung cancer

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women, with most cases as smoking. But not all get lung cancer smoke. Lung cancer Among non-smoking is still the seventh most common cause of cancer throughout the world. Most cases of lung cancer among non-smoking posted in prevents women, research by samTrackback "lung cancer and of end-of-life Emergency room visit leave a reply

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© Copyright 2009 Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation; all rights reserved.

601 4th Street Suite 215