The biggest part of the us for non-smokers feel that we had little to worry about when it comes to lung cancer. When all is not smokers and disease? According to recent surveys by the British Medical journal, people who have never smoked before and ex-smokers, are all at risk of food-borne diseases. In fact, approximately 50 000 deaths annually can be used in smoke and toxic gases. Lung cancer is not limited to smokers.
Although rarely discussed in the exposure to toxins in the environment of emissions of certain pollutants into the workplace or toxic gases contributing to a significant proportion of deaths from lung cancer. For example, exposure to diesel engine emissions and paint, asbestos was found significantly correlated with increased risk of lung cancer.
In addition, from Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers of smoking prevention, as well as the investigation has shown that the fumes of Frying oil, meat or grilled was to identify the risk of lung cancer also significantly increase. This means you can take part in the work of the kitchen can endanger the larger too. These substances classified as carcinogens, exposure to the fumes are toxic and a daily or weekly, make good any damage to their lungs oxidation causes of our DNA.
Another surprising fact is that if your parents home smoked during childhood and adolescence, adulthood is a double risk of lung cancer, even if you don't smoke. Parents continue to the next, which illuminates the cigarettes! This year, the lung cancer kills Americans about 163,500 and remain in full force and effect as the number of cancer deaths, taking more lives than one reason for the colon, breast and prostate cancers combined.
What can we do to protect ourselves?
If you are in your life, as a matter of priority for the smoker's Entourage, clear as well as nutritional and follow the safety standards for the protection of the full program of their own lungs. For those of you who are non-smoking, or which is smoked at some point to protect your lungs is also very important. Is a simple things you can do to reduce the risks:
1) Eat Broccoli and Arugula
More than 125 published scientific articles have demonstrated exceptional protective effect of Brassica vegetables, such as lung cancer and other cancers. These veggies including Cress, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cauliflower, chicory sprouts cabbage Brassica Brussels, Arugula and combating cancer by specifying the profile in such a way as to carcinogenicity studies, melancholy in the cancer cells in the liver, cancer detoksifikaatioprosessin death through and to prevent cancer showed! 500 Grams per day to consume (about 4 cups) may reduce the risk of various cancers at an early stage of up to 50%. This is especially valuable for research should be carried out within the framework of the New York Times-News from the front page and enforced in the first line of every doctor's Office, the Ministry of defence. There is nothing to be effective, you can protect yourself to eat Broccoli daily more against cancer.
Other factors relevant to the assessment of the number of studies show that green tea in lung cancer cell line antimikrobiainetta growth. Green tea all tastes is known for its ability to reduce the blood flow, or tumours angiogenesis. So that the transition from green tea coffee to save your life.
For those of you who can't imagine washing veggies 4 cups daily Brassica green tea is a food supplement, called Indole Plus Rx vitamins containing Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), these veggies in the course of the active substance which is a protective effect of the cancer. The first thing every morning before they are exposed to take the carcinogens and toxins. Green tea EGCG active is also available from the green tea extract.
2) to obtain the selenium, zinc and vitamin c every day
Minerals experimentally, lung cancer patients-who have lower levels of Selenium and zinc, two crucial protective antioxidants found in food, including the Brazil nuts, almonds, and crustaceans. These powerful antioxidants, minerals, also at good as antioxidants, RIESGO addendum, which contains other lung cancer, according to the protective materials to extract the three days, including green tea EGCG, vitamin c and n-acetyl cysteine.
3) to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke or fumes into the air
If you live in a polluted city, close to wear, cars, directly or indirectly, to circumvent the emissions of the engine or frying oils on a regular basis, wearing a protective mask. If the work requires is exposed to chemicals, such as the printing companies have been found in salons, nail, dye or paint the acquisition, it should also be taken of the protective antioxidants, add-on, which contain I3C and fat soluble antioxidants, such as found in Ultimate antioxidants, LS, DFH mixture.
Although we don't know our individual genetic risk for developing lung cancer, and we cannot easily Quit our jobs, which are toxic or to take back our exposure to cigarette smoke, the clock, we can work with you to some of the steps is very simple and effective in protecting ourselves and to reduce significantly the number of cancer deaths from lung cancer, one of the reasons. http://www.rockwellnutrition.com