Monday, December 27, 2010

The three signs of lung cancer

Lung cancer is the biggest side effect of smoke cigarettes. Since it is deadly, it is important to identify all the characters and signs of lung cancer at the beginning of the.

The first symptom is in constant coughing. The lining of the air boxes contain sensitive nerves. Seek to protect the respiratory tract of foreign substance in the dirt, dust, blood, or tumor. To promote the cough reflex, these help files, keep the difference in rolling resistance caused by particles of the body, therefore, Airways will need nerves of steel and Clean. If a tumor develops near the respiratory passages coughing is a major problem. The cough is usually 20-80% of cases of cancer, the main problem.

Another problem is huminaa. This is the sound that is produced through the air waybill, the air is trying to partially blocked. Tumours usually produces a localized wheezing that is to say, to consult in all directions if a tumor.

The third symptom is coughing up blood. This is clearly the most serious of the three. If the tumor surface bleeds, you can Cough blood tinged mucous membranes. This problem is taken seriously in the final. The doctor must be consulted as soon as possible, if this happened.

When was not found with lung cancer, the next concern is how quickly it for my non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. This is called double the speed and it is important to determine at what stage is located. It specifies how long you have to get care. This is particularly important for small cell lung cancer, because of its tendency to spread faster. If you are experiencing these issues immediately on the doctor's visit. He can give you the best treatment options, all of the data of the individual to suit your needs.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lung cancer screening (part 2)

By way of provisional anti-dumping

When he had been with the lung cancer doctor, your works to the extent that such activity is to determine the minimum requirements for vessels bound for or stages of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome, cancer. Stage of the cancer will help your doctor decide which treatment is most appropriate. Interim Tests may include procedures that allow characters that cancer has spread to the lungs, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Positron emission test (PET) imaging and bone scans the doctor search. Not every test is applicable to each person, then talk to your doctor, that the procedures are appropriate for you.

Lung cancer is a small cell steps

Phase I At this stage, the underlying tissues of the lungs cancer invaded but grant to the lymph nodes.

Phase II. At this stage of the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes or invaded the chest wall.

Phase III. At this stage of the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, lungs in the middle of the chest.

Stage IIIB. Tumor has spread to local areas, such as the heart, blood vessels, the trachea and oesophagus all inside the chest or the lymph nodes of the clavicle or tissue that surrounds the lungs within the rib cage (the pleura) sector.

Phase IV. Cancer has spread to other parts, such as the liver, bones or brain.

Lung cancer, small cell steps

Limited.Cancer of the lungs and drawn from the Skagen lighthouse to the one near its lymph nodes.

Size. Tumor has spread to the lymph nodes, lungs, and near, and it has invaded the lungs, lymph nodes or other bodies more remotely.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Asbestos-Induced Lung Cancer the pervasive veterans

Statistics show that more than 30% suffer from work-related asbestos cancer mesothelioma – deadly lung caused by adverse climatic events which were exposed to asbestos – Americans, while at the same time serve the country. Veterans and shipyards to deal with the risk of developing mesothelioma or similar disease asbestos products and military equipment, ships and submarines of wide use. This applies in particular to veterans, who served as when the Government began the use of asbestos during or after the second world war and the first the1970s.

Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Veterans Americans have higher risk for damage suffered as a result of exposure to asbestos liikkeeseenlaskemiseksi asbestosis, mesothelioma or other diseases to develop.

Veterans who have been found in lung cancer mesothelioma asbestos the net has the legal rights and you may be able to recover the losses damages and suffering. Only experienced mesothelioma attorney to know if you have a legal claim.

Veterans of the Navy, as well as an increased risk of

Lung cancer caused by asbestos is a major problem among the Veterans of the Navy, in particular due to the fact that the use of asbestos was so very large ships. In practice, does not begin before the end of the 1970 built naval ship is safe:

? The rooms and the type-approval of motor vehicles in the event of a fire

? Boiler rooms

? Notes to the air navigation service

? Mess rooms

? Sleeping quarters

In addition, commonly used products such as gaskets, cables, insulators, adhesives, valves, and numerous other contained asbestos. Veterans of the Navy, as other veterans were Riga asbestos dust House to bring their clothes and expose their loved ones of the fibres in the transport of dangerous goods by rail.

Veterans Rights

Veterans groups throughout the country have begun to take measures to ensure that their rights are protected. For example, some organizations have been invited to take part in the Congress Fund veterans in lung cancer early detection programs, which is particularly important in view of the long delay during the mesothelioma – usually 30-50 years. In some cases, Individual veterans and their families are in the application of legal claims to hold responsible parties responsible for damage caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibres in the lungs caused by suffering.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Waiting to Exhale: lung cancer on 21

The 3rd november, 2010

Taylor Bell was not your student Middle college. Small town girl from Wilmington, N.C. – signed with the East Carolina University to play Division I football and majored in political science – while finding time to new friends.

21 years, this was not your average also lung cancer patients.

Lung cancer kills more people in the four upper breast cancer combined:, colon, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. It is unlike any other cancer because of the stigma which exercises. When most people think of lung cancer, smoking and imagine if a cancer which "could have been prevented."

But Bell has never smoked a cigarette in his life.

Fight against Bell with lung cancer was freshman year. Even if this same trained to her colleagues, she could not continue physical and had tingling and numbness in the toes. Sense of confusion and burned, made the difficult decision to leave the group.

"I was really tired, but believed that when Parliament and it was normal, you know, we are studying, class, friends. But it was not a summary, "he says.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lung Cancer-non-smokers at risk!

The biggest part of the us for non-smokers feel that we had little to worry about when it comes to lung cancer. When all is not smokers and disease? According to recent surveys by the British Medical journal, people who have never smoked before and ex-smokers, are all at risk of food-borne diseases. In fact, approximately 50 000 deaths annually can be used in smoke and toxic gases. Lung cancer is not limited to smokers.

Although rarely discussed in the exposure to toxins in the environment of emissions of certain pollutants into the workplace or toxic gases contributing to a significant proportion of deaths from lung cancer. For example, exposure to diesel engine emissions and paint, asbestos was found significantly correlated with increased risk of lung cancer.

In addition, from Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers of smoking prevention, as well as the investigation has shown that the fumes of Frying oil, meat or grilled was to identify the risk of lung cancer also significantly increase. This means you can take part in the work of the kitchen can endanger the larger too. These substances classified as carcinogens, exposure to the fumes are toxic and a daily or weekly, make good any damage to their lungs oxidation causes of our DNA.

Another surprising fact is that if your parents home smoked during childhood and adolescence, adulthood is a double risk of lung cancer, even if you don't smoke. Parents continue to the next, which illuminates the cigarettes! This year, the lung cancer kills Americans about 163,500 and remain in full force and effect as the number of cancer deaths, taking more lives than one reason for the colon, breast and prostate cancers combined.

What can we do to protect ourselves?

If you are in your life, as a matter of priority for the smoker's Entourage, clear as well as nutritional and follow the safety standards for the protection of the full program of their own lungs. For those of you who are non-smoking, or which is smoked at some point to protect your lungs is also very important. Is a simple things you can do to reduce the risks:

1) Eat Broccoli and Arugula

More than 125 published scientific articles have demonstrated exceptional protective effect of Brassica vegetables, such as lung cancer and other cancers. These veggies including Cress, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cauliflower, chicory sprouts cabbage Brassica Brussels, Arugula and combating cancer by specifying the profile in such a way as to carcinogenicity studies, melancholy in the cancer cells in the liver, cancer detoksifikaatioprosessin death through and to prevent cancer showed! 500 Grams per day to consume (about 4 cups) may reduce the risk of various cancers at an early stage of up to 50%. This is especially valuable for research should be carried out within the framework of the New York Times-News from the front page and enforced in the first line of every doctor's Office, the Ministry of defence. There is nothing to be effective, you can protect yourself to eat Broccoli daily more against cancer.

Other factors relevant to the assessment of the number of studies show that green tea in lung cancer cell line antimikrobiainetta growth. Green tea all tastes is known for its ability to reduce the blood flow, or tumours angiogenesis. So that the transition from green tea coffee to save your life.

For those of you who can't imagine washing veggies 4 cups daily Brassica green tea is a food supplement, called Indole Plus Rx vitamins containing Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), these veggies in the course of the active substance which is a protective effect of the cancer. The first thing every morning before they are exposed to take the carcinogens and toxins. Green tea EGCG active is also available from the green tea extract.

2) to obtain the selenium, zinc and vitamin c every day

Minerals experimentally, lung cancer patients-who have lower levels of Selenium and zinc, two crucial protective antioxidants found in food, including the Brazil nuts, almonds, and crustaceans. These powerful antioxidants, minerals, also at good as antioxidants, RIESGO addendum, which contains other lung cancer, according to the protective materials to extract the three days, including green tea EGCG, vitamin c and n-acetyl cysteine.

3) to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke or fumes into the air

If you live in a polluted city, close to wear, cars, directly or indirectly, to circumvent the emissions of the engine or frying oils on a regular basis, wearing a protective mask. If the work requires is exposed to chemicals, such as the printing companies have been found in salons, nail, dye or paint the acquisition, it should also be taken of the protective antioxidants, add-on, which contain I3C and fat soluble antioxidants, such as found in Ultimate antioxidants, LS, DFH mixture.

Although we don't know our individual genetic risk for developing lung cancer, and we cannot easily Quit our jobs, which are toxic or to take back our exposure to cigarette smoke, the clock, we can work with you to some of the steps is very simple and effective in protecting ourselves and to reduce significantly the number of cancer deaths from lung cancer, one of the reasons.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

With cancer treatment shows promise

27 October 2010

A remarkable new drug shows promise for treatment of patients with lung cancer who have a rare genetic mutation. Drugs, crizotinib, stabilised or improvement of disease in 90% of patients at an early stage clinical trial results, a study released Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

"Some of our patients can see improvement in their symptoms in a few days or week," said Dr. Alice Shaw, one of the lead researchers of the drug. -The answers to these questions is dramatic.

Published research of samTrackback

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mage neck can detect lung cancer

7 October 2010 early detection is crucial for improving cancer survival rates. Still, one of the most lethal cancer in the United States, lung cancer, are notoriously difficult to detect early stages now, researchers have developed a method to detect lung cancer than just bright diffuse light in cells from patients kinder swabbed. In a clinical study, the technical analysis – also called partial wave spectroscopic (PWS) microscopy – has been able to differentiate people with lung cancer than those who do not have, even if the non-cancerceller patients had lifetime smokers or suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). the survey results released by a group of engineers and doctors from the University Park, Jonkoping, health systems, Northwestern University and the University of New York appears in print in the Oct.  15, 2010, the issue of the journal cancer research.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Small cell Lung Cancer Treatments to improve the immune system fight cancer!

Lung cancer, as you know, is the most common forms of cancer. If that lung cancer, small cell, then it can be very depressing. Because not only is the cancer very deadly, but small cell lung cancer treatment is also very dangerous and expensive. There are a lot of ways to strengthen immune system with natural remedies. Stronger Helsinki-the system is less medication and evasive procedures is required. So how can strengthen immune system?

Small cell lung-Cancer treatments MGN-3

MGN-3 is immune stimulant and highly effective, in order to determine the Natural Killer cells (NK). Natural Killer cells are one of the protection of the viral and bacteriological contamination of infections and against cancer in the first row. Strong measures to combat these cells in order to increase the effectiveness of cancer.

Has shown that people who have quiet NK cells are more likely to various cancers and other diseases. The most important thing is the functioning of the cells, NK, not the number of these cells. MGN-3 has also proved to increase activity in the middle of the immune system, such as cells and b cells to other cells. It also enhances the production of cytokines, such as nekroottisen tumor, author of alpha interferon gamma, nterleukin-12 and interleukin-2.

Dr. Ghoneum, which is an internationally recognized expert in cancer immune therapy – which is a therapy that uses biological response modifiers or backup recovery-s, in order to kill the cells in the body of the natural and kill cancer cells in the text, in the area said the MGN-3 proved to be superior to any other treatment of small cell lung cancer, not only for his lack of toxicity, but also because it offers to promote immune system a long period of time. He also said that other actual backup recovery-s decreased over time, despite the patient was taking them yet.

This is just one example of a cell in a lung cancer treatments as small as possible. The most important thing is to be active and alternative treatments for the various and natural cures, which enables you to search for. If you lose all the folds and hope, as you have very little chances of beating cancer. It is also important to find a doctor, these processes may discuss, patient and doctor should work together. There are so many examples of people who win successfully cancer, so never abandon hope.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Studio: Vitamins as well as an increased risk of lung cancer cut

According to the study, was fond off people who Take vitamin supplements are as likely to develop lung cancer for those who do not take vitamin supplements. In addition, vitamin supplements and actually may increase the risk of a tough little, to develop cancer risk.

Study included in Washington, 77,721 for people who were 50-76 with age. Before you use the supplementary multivitamins and vitamins c and e and folaattimuotojen assess if they were actually protect against lung cancer in the Decade for their use.

There was no significant fndings, which show that the results were a lower risk in the context of lung cancer. Was, on the one hand, that that was a big dose of foind vitamin e, above all, the percentage of smokers, was small and statistically significant increased risk.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


691.jpgLungs Emphysema are usually obvious upper lobes. And should be capable of being traded in the blood vessels in the lungs are not always when abnormal air to the test substance are present. Emphysema actions such as cigarette smoking steadily irritant contact after the end of the year. Emphysema, which damaged the small air sacs, the lungs. Because the small sacs direct their stretch, less air gets in and out, the lungs. This causes suffering from air conditioning. If a person with severe Emphysema, enlarge the size of the breasts will indeed. Thus, a person with severe Emphysema can lead to death.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wine taste for a cure

27 October 2010

What a night! Approximately 80 family and friends gathered in wine style de Graff evening taste wine for a collection of lung cancer. Family Schmitt, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the event are donated to our efforts in fundraising or dispatched well wishes. The event was an enormous success, having raised $ 2,230 for cancer, Bonnie j. Addario lung cancer.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"OPOIOS can get lung cancer" contest Winners announced

13 October 2010

Jennifer Windrum, founder of "WTF?" (Where is the funding) for lung cancer? Campaign Announces Winners of "WTF?"and cancer, Bonnie j. Addario Lung "oPOIOS sheep Lung Cancer" contest. Demand for social media lasted three weeks and up to 50. All money goes to Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation. Prizes are donated takes an all-expenses paid golf packages in wild Horse golf course, backpacks Laptop Targus and Jessica Kagan Cushman bangles.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bonnie j. Addario 5 K taking Cancer Foundation

11 October 2010

Thanks to everyone who came out on Sunday morning in Atlanta!

Sorry, I could read the contents of the Heavy side.