Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Patients with lung cancer may not equal symptom treatment

22nd June 2011

By Kerry's

NEW YORK | Wed 20 Jun 2010 5: 21 pm EDT

(Reuters Health) – in patients with lung cancer in public hospitals, which serve a larger proportion of the poor and disadvantaged people, are less likely to receive appropriate treatment for pain and other symptoms of patients undergoing a Cancer Centre, according to a new study.

Patients in public hospitals was nine times more likely than patients with Cancer Center in the future, with more severe symptoms first.

"I think it was noted ... over the past two decades that" cancer ", less well management in what we believe missing patients," said Dr. Charles Cleeland from MD Anderson Cancer in Houston, Texas, who led the study.

Commission communication patients tend to be poor, single, unemployed, non-whites, and receipt of public assistance on health insurance. Also tend to have low levels of formal education.

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