The smoking of cigarettes was the only risk factor for the development of lung cancer among women with or at risk of a study published in the online version of the journal of Clinical Oncology, HIV.
The study also showed that lung cancer incidence rates were similar among women with HIV-positive and negative HIV; But the incidence of lung cancer study population was three times in the general population female USA. again, this could be explained by smoking habits, researchers find.
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Smoking is dangerous for men and women both. Although HIV symptoms in women may not always be present in the very early stages they most commonly show in ways that may not be directly associated with the HIV virus. In many cases the symptoms that present themselves a short time after exposure to the HIV virus are so subtle that they are not immediately detected. Some of the most common symptoms that may be exhibited in this early stage of infection may include abnormal pap smear exams, recurring or extreme vaginal infections and difficult to treat infections of the pelvis region also known as PID or pelvic inflammatory disease.