Researchers on the discovery of protein in the blood of patients with lung cancer that could be used on a test for difficult to diagnose the disease – the earliest and most treatable stages – and develop drugs that stop it from spreading lung cancer. Their study appears in ACS ' Journal of Proteome research.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Artificial airway decision for cancer patient
Lung cancer patient received the world's first case of an artificial airway decision after surgeons in hospital Paris, tube bronchial replacement.
Received at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, meant they had to remove a patient 78-year-old lung, a procedure which has a very high mortality.
Breast surgeon Emmanuel Martinod, who performed the surgery in October 2009, said that the artificial Bronchus given surgical team better margins of safety as they removed the cancer had invaded human respiratory tract and the lungs.
Published research samTrackbackMonday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
A history of lung cancer

The lungs are to the body responsible for air conditioning. Lung cancer is caused by malignant tumor abnormal cells growing. Lung cancer, there are many factors.
Personal and family history, the person has two aspects, which can cause lung cancer. Smoking is one of the main reasons for the growth of cancerous cells. The history of the chain smoking may increase the chance of contracting party to this terrible disease. It is also possible to be tupakoitsijan if not risk. Passive smokers are also vulnerable to this disease.
More than 40-year-olds are more likely to affect people with cancer. Although not the rule, and not enough young people also who has been afflicted with this disease. The people who are exposed to air pollution, special attention should be paid, and the clock tell tale signs of lung cancer.
Family history of lung cancer is increasing the risk for the disease. This is why it is important to always updated to the causes of the symptoms and the disease. Sometimes the symptoms can be simply Cough or fatigue. In some cases it may be more complex than the throat, or difficulty breathing prepared or swallowing. It is essential to keep the instructions of the Government of the personal history of the disease at an early stage diagnosis of the problems.
Lung cancer is a disease that is difficult to identify. It is usually at a later stage, that the doctors recognize the power of the disease. Lung cancer treatment is a cumbersome process. The subsequent stages of lung cancer may require a combination of treatments to correct the problem. To reduce the likelihood of improvement in total, if the disease spreads to other parts of the carcase.
The hereditary factor, children or relatives in lung cancer patients should take further attention to be reviewed at regular intervals in order to get the disease, and exclude the possibility. Regular exercise and a diet low in fat, high fibre foods can reduce the concentration of the more specific the possibility of the disease. It would be useful to put an end to smoking and alcohol consumption to moderate the rod.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Cancer with Bonnie j. Addario, introduces the Jill's legacy
Bonnie j. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (BJALCF), a world leader in efforts to eradicate lung cancer, announced today that they have begun to create a new Advisory Committee composed of 21 promising young professionals who are personally touched by lung cancer. The Governing Council has been called "Jill's legacy" at the tomb of the 22-year-old College student and athlete, UC Berkeley, Jillian Costello, who lost his battle with lung cancer in June 2010, only one year after diagnosis.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Lung cancer screening (part 2)
The Temporary
When he was was diagnosed with lung cancer, the doctor sets the measure or stage of your cancer. Contact your doctor to help the cancer stage to decide the most appropriate treatment. Temporary test can contain procedures, which allows for the characters, the cancer has spread to the lungs, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the description of the Positron emissions test (PET) imaging and bone scans outside of medical appearance. All tests are suitable for each person, then talk to your doctor about which procedures are appropriate for you.
Small cell lung carcinoma stages
Stage i At this stage, the cancer has invaded the lung tissues below, but has not yet spread to the lymph nodes.
Phase II. This stage of the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes of the chest wall to close or invaded.
Stage III A. At this stage, the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes of the lung Center of the chest.
Stage IIIB. The tumor has spread locally in sectors such as the heart, blood vessels, trachea and oesophagus, all within the chest, pain or inflammation of the tissues of the clavicle, or, according to which surrounds the lungs (pleura), ribcage in the sector.
Phase IV. The tumor has spread to the rest of the body such as the liver, bone, or brain.
Small cell lung cancer stages
Limited. Cancer of the lymph nodes of the lungs, and he is confined.
Expanded. Lung cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes and nearby and has invaded the lungs, lymph nodes or other organs of the more remote.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Lung cancer of the adrenal glands at the spread of the

When the cancer is diagnosed in more than one quarter of all people with symptoms of lung cancer can be. These tumours are usually otherwise rotation chest x ray for another reason.
Lung cancer can spread locally and to carry on or close to, for example, the instrument should be trimmed of any adherent tissue, outside layers of the heart, lungs, or to travel the parks around the local lymph node assay glands or bones, liver, brain, or lungs. Other bodies, in which lung cancer are the adrenal glands tend to spread, are above the kidneys, which creates a special glands and hormones.
More generally, a cancer of the adrenal tumor has actually been called adrenal adenoma. A good number of patients in these tumours never result in the patient's symptoms and does not require to be processed. They generally can be found when the patient is a scan of CT (or cat), for reasons beyond the control of the body, and are, therefore, is called "incidentalomi".
More generally, the malignancy are tumours of the adrenal, cancer cells that have metastasized from other areas in the body through the blood of adrenal glands from the rotation. Some types of cancer may spread to the suprarenal glands, usually more lung tumours, melanomas and breast milk to eat.
In short, if the cancerous cells with the original tumor, travel and other similar parts of the body, brain, liver, lung, bone, the opposite will be developed, or adrenal glands or lymph nodes, chest regions-the collarbone (clavicle) is recognised as metastasis.
The symptoms of metastatic tumours of the lung will depend on the position and dimensions. About 30-40% of lung cancer symptoms in humans are metastatic disease in the region, or symptoms. Diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer, as well as when the cause of the symptoms typically glands.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lung Cancer

Cancer is a disease known to almost all of us. Every year, the victims of the fall is about this deadly disease. Until now these have been found that the medicine and disease, cancer of the tile. Cancer develops slowly and form the tumor and the continuous increase in the number of these cells. Therefore, a deadly cancer is a disease that must be displayed in the external symptom of the victim's body. It is said that if the cancer is diagnosed at the initial stage, it can be improved. There are many forms of cancer, which affect the lives of thousands of people. Forms is lung cancer. Lung cancer still affect the lives of thousands of people. There are many different causes of lung cancer. Smoking causes lung cancer as the top most element. Harmful substances in smoke destroy cells in the lung. It is not necessary that the person who does not smoke to lung cancer. If a person regularly exposed to tobacco smoke, the lung cancer risk is greater.
There are many other factors too that are responsible for the cancer. These are some of the natural factors, too, are not under our control. These things include Radon, asbestos, nickel, chromium, tar, etc. These things are very liable to cause lung cancer and tap for most of the people working in a factory of these substances. Lung cancer is the other main cause of air pollution. Becoming the victim of a lung cancer risk is greater in the cities, which are a large part of the pollution.
If the cancer is found at an early stage can be improved by using a certain lifestyle, and precautions. There are many drugs that help to resist tumor within cells, grow, if by threatening an early stage. Some experts, a good diet is very useful to protect the institution of a fatal cancer disease. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, Greens, low fat, grains and preservatives are very useful in lung cancer risk is as small as possible. Avoid alcohol use is also very useful in reducing the risk of lung cancer. Factor that minimizes the risk of cancer, is in the body, the fitness centre. According to the experts in the health conditions for the fight against trafficking in human beings are less susceptible to lung cancer. If a person has to maintain a fitness centre, he prevents the maximum tar yield of cigarettes, lung cancer, even after the execution of the smoke.
There are many vitamins, drugs and other chemicals that are useful to reduce the risk or delay the growth of the cancer and Chemoprevention is called. Many of the researchers to try to make every effort to make the medicine, by using these medicines and vitamins, which can be useful in the treatment of lung cancer. But until now has been found that these drugs may be useful in the treatment of lung cancer.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Lung cancer screening (part 1)
The doctors are not sure whether you should be screened by lung cancer. Even if you have an increased risk of lung cancer, for example, if you have tupakoitsijan, it is not clear that the chest x-ray, or Tietokonetomografiaröntgenlaitteiden (CT) scan may be useful. Studies show that these tests can find cancer early, when they have been treated with more success. But other studies during these tests is often more, to the effect that, in conditions that require invasive testing and expose people to risks.
Lung cancer screening is controversial among doctors. Studies are underway to determine what types of tests can be useful, and it would be useful in screening for lung cancer. In the meantime, discuss with your doctor if you are concerned about the risk of lung cancer. Together it is possible to define strategies to reduce the risk and decide whether the screening tests are suitable for you.
If there is no reason to think that you may have lung cancer, the doctor may prescribe a number of tests to look for cancer cells and leave the other conditions. You will be able to diagnose lung cancer, the doctor may recommend:
Imaging test. Oman lungs x-ray picture may reveal abnormal lump or mass. (A) A review to identify small changes to CT the lungs.
Sputum sputum. If you have a cough and sputum produce sputum, sometimes under the microscope the search may reveal the presence of the lung cancer cells. Before the test, you may be asked to help an Irritating, breathe, produce more sputum mist.
Tissue samples (Biopsy). Abnormal cells may be removed from the sample, the Biopsy to diagnose lung cancer procedure. The doctor may perform the Biopsy in many ways, including, where the doctor examines the Bronchoscopy my lungs was pipelines by using, which is passed down to the throat and lungs, abnormal areas, where Pierce mediastinoscopy is a surgical instruments in the neck and the base is added to the back of your own side to take samples of tissues; and the needle Biopsy, in which the doctor uses the images of x-ray or CT to guide the needle body and suspect nodule or lump-sum to collect cells. Biopsy of the lymph nodes may also cancel or in other areas, where the cancer has spread, such as the liver.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Oil fish counters chemotherapy, weight loss
Fish oil can cause weight loss in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, according to a new study published in the online version of the journal cancer.
In the study, researchers at the University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada, in 40 patients with lung cancer, small cells. They were all at the beginning of the treatment. Sixteen patients received 2.2 grams of fish oil a day, while the remaining 24 took routine health care. The study, which lasted for approximately 10 weeks, ran until the patients their initial chemotherapy treatments.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Prior to surgery improves survival chemoradiotherapy in non-small lung cancer
Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have found that patients with node-negative T3 and T4 lung non-small suffered chemotherapy before surgery had more than three times of the survival of patients who underwent the surgery only. These results are currently on-line in the journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Study links vitamin d for lung cancer Cancer Survival

Monday, April 11, 2011
Small cell lung cancer treatments – enhance the immune system to fight cancer!

Lung cancer, as you know, is one of the most common forms of cancer. If the small cell lung cancer are discovered, so it can be very depressing. Since there is only a very deadly cancer treatments, but against the small cell lung cancer, are also very dangerous and expensive. There are a lot of ways to strengthen the immune system with natural remedies. The strongest immune system is less medication, and average time procedures are required. So how can you strengthen your immune system?
Small cell lung cancer-treatment of MGN-3
MGN-3 is a very effective immune system stimulant and a strengthening of the rule of law, Natural Killer cells (NK). Natural Killer cells are one of the defense and the liner of bacterial infections, and bacterial and cancer in the first line. The stronger these cells more effectively to the fight against cancer.
It has been shown that people who have a silent NK cells, are more likely to cancer and other diseases. The important thing is the activity of the cells, NK is not the number of these cells. MGN-3 has also been shown in action in the other cells of the immune system, such as the t cells and b cells to increase the level of between. It can also add, cytokines such as tumor necrotic factor of Alpha-, gamma-interferon-, nterleukin-12 and interleukin-2 production.
Dr. Ghoneum, which is an internationally recognised expert in cancer immune therapy – which is a natural therapy, in order to kill cells in the body of the body and kill cancer cells biological response modifiers or backup restore-s, use the alallasanoi, that MGN-3 has proven to be better than other treatments of small cell lung cancer is not only lack the toxicitybut also because it offers to Boost your immune system for a long time. He also said that the other backup restore-s efficiency decreased in time, even if the patient was still taking them.
This is just one example of the treatment of lung cancer in cells as small as possible. The most important document is active and the various natural and alternative treatments for cures, which enables you to search for. If you lose all hope abandon, and then you have very few opportunities in the final match of the cancer. It is also important to find the doctor, who can discuss such treatments, the patient and the doctor must work together. There are many examples of people who beat cancer, so I hope successfully, never to abandon.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
English for-Waltham of ormitikotita remember the positions of the fight against lung cancer
Royston was not English would be disposed of without a fight.
Those who knew Waltham high graduate was not surprising. He knew what kind of children who grow up in the city and what sort of man was when he returned after College. Those who had never seen him play Tennis had not expected anything less. Saw how he dominated the field as a star football WHS and how he fought for every lap points during the stellar career at the University of Maine.
There was no difference in the summer of 2009, when English was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was defiant first. He had done nothing worthy of this disease – never, never smoked dope, drink not only and not from a family with a history of cancer – so this is not going to leave him.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Living With Lung Cancer

Surviving lung cancer means the final more than physical illness. Is also the mental and emotional challenges that are faced with cancer. Learn about life with the disease and the treatments are needed and medical visits, which is vital for the survival of the resulting from it.
Treatments for cancer can be difficult for the institution. Surgery to remove the tumor, but they can also remove parts or the entire organs in the process. After surviving cancer, patients themselves must learn to withstand the new condition, which find their bodies. It is possible that the body of work in a different way due to surgery. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also affect the health of the patient to the public permanently.
Many patients experience, in addition to these physical challenges are that by threatening to reduce the number of lung cancer and therapy, it emotional trials. Some of the fears that the cancer returns after he was treated. The other is difficult to cope with the effects of the tumor and aborts the durability of their everyday lives. They may experience a sense of isolation, if they think their loved ones are not, or cannot understand their feelings.
Due to the negative feelings due to cancer is not unusual. Disease – diagnosis, therapy, at the hearing, the side effects of student groups in General, the State-of-the-art of surviving uncertainty and distress causes negativity. For those who to survive the battle with lung cancer, or depressed due to feel anxious. In addition, it is not unusual for patients to experience anger and fear of the illness.
Cope with these feelings is part of the challenge of surviving lung cancer. In this case, the first step is to simply admit that these feelings and tries to separate the why. In addition, it is important to understand that these reactions are normal and natural, and can also be useful.
Anger can arise for the diagnosis of lung cancer. Feeling angry with the disease, one of which is to endure the stress and anxiety is normal. Some people find that this hatred is really motivating force as they learn to survive with lung cancer. You can help patients is assertive about what you want and need treatment. Patients who find their anger to motivate and useful to include the new sleep on a regular basis to the cancer.
Anger, unlike other patients could be depressed while trying to survive with lung cancer. Some of the patients no longer want their own customary and lose interest in things, which were their favorite activities prior to their diagnosis. Depression can be harmful. The patient who survived lung cancer, but now is depressed might support their loved ones cope with the new reality on the ground.
Notwithstanding any of these feelings with the lung cancer patients to survive should take proactive measures to manage their disease, and with his life for. Eat a healthy diet is one way to do this, such as a balanced diet is not only to promote good general health, but may also feel the patient if they are certain to help control his life again. The practice also promotes good health and may reduce lung cancer risk of the spread or return.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Three of the symptoms of lung cancer

Lung cancer is smoking cigarettes in the most impact on the page. Since it is a mortal, it is important to recognize the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer.
The first symptom is Cough. Air passages in the lining of include sensitive nerves. The objective is to protect the respiratory foreign substance, such as dirt, dust, blood, or tumor. By promoting the cough reflex, these nerves, which help the body get rid of particles, keeping clear of respiratory diseases. If the tumor to develop near the airways, the cough is the main symptom code. The cough is usually mostly symptom, 20-80% of cancer cases.
Another problem is the wheezing. This is the sound that is produced through the Airways, air transport will try to partially blocked. Localized tumours to produce wheezing that is usually heard if you find the tumor to the side of the chest.
The third symptom is coughing up blood. This is by far the most severe of the three. If the surface of the tumor bleeding, you Cough up blood tinged mucous membranes. This problem is to be taken seriously. You will need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, if never happened to you.
When you have found the following lung cancer, a concern is how quickly my spread. This is called double the speed and it is important to determine at what stage you are in. It specifies how long you want to receive treatment. This is particularly important for small cell lung cancer, taking into account the fact that it has a tendency to spread quickly. If you experience these symptoms have suffered. He has the opportunity to give you the best treatment options to meet your own needs.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Lung cancer and non-smoking
Smoking is the most secure way to develop lung cancer. Cigarette smoke contains numerous carcinogens, which is a wonder that it continues to be lawfully sold all around the world. Conscious of the efforts of the various groups and organisations around the world, and it is waived the first cigarette consumption in the world.
Unfortunately, the cigarette companies are huomioiva attention in developing countries, and therefore, non-smoking is increasing among young people in the countries of the third world. More active measures for young people to put an end to this harmful and addictive habit.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Lung cancer symptoms

Approximately 25% of people with lung cancer symptoms and cancer screening is detected or the usual physical inspection. Three-fourths of lung cancer patients there are, however, warning signs and symptoms, which can warn the patient or the doctor.
The most common lung cancer sufferers may experience respiratory symptoms such as shortness breath, wheezing, persistent cough and hoarseness. These symptoms are very common and also occur in other smokers and conditions such as asthma, Emphysema and chest infection. A new Cough every time, it should be possible lung cancer symptom. Lung cancer can spread to the chest wall, causing pain in the breast, shoulders and back. If the tumor cells in blood vessels of the lungs, decreased patient can Cough up blood. There may also be generalized to other effects, most cancers, such as swine fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss with the encounter.
Lung cancer grows increasingly affects the normal functioning of the lungs. Secondary problems can occur, such as the mountain of the lungs (pleural) for the collection of fluid in the tissues of the lungs collapse, respiratory diseases, Lung infection and repeatedly to track lung cancer can also spread to other parts of the body such as lymph nodes, bones, liver, and brain metastasize. It causes bone pain and abnormal function of the liver, or brain.
The absence of symptoms does not necessarily mean the disease at an early stage, and the non-chest symptoms can often be overlooked. Both of these factors contributed to the fact that only about 15% of the patients with lung cancer are diagnosed in the early stages of the disease. Lung cancer is found at a later date, are less effective treatment options. Delays in diagnosis of patients with lung cancer, only 15% in the five years after diagnosis of fire-extinguishing equipment for lifeboats and survival rate.