The doctors are not sure whether you should be screened by lung cancer. Even if you have an increased risk of lung cancer, for example, if you have tupakoitsijan, it is not clear that the chest x-ray, or Tietokonetomografiaröntgenlaitteiden (CT) scan may be useful. Studies show that these tests can find cancer early, when they have been treated with more success. But other studies during these tests is often more, to the effect that, in conditions that require invasive testing and expose people to risks.
Lung cancer screening is controversial among doctors. Studies are underway to determine what types of tests can be useful, and it would be useful in screening for lung cancer. In the meantime, discuss with your doctor if you are concerned about the risk of lung cancer. Together it is possible to define strategies to reduce the risk and decide whether the screening tests are suitable for you.
If there is no reason to think that you may have lung cancer, the doctor may prescribe a number of tests to look for cancer cells and leave the other conditions. You will be able to diagnose lung cancer, the doctor may recommend:
Imaging test. Oman lungs x-ray picture may reveal abnormal lump or mass. (A) A review to identify small changes to CT the lungs.
Sputum sputum. If you have a cough and sputum produce sputum, sometimes under the microscope the search may reveal the presence of the lung cancer cells. Before the test, you may be asked to help an Irritating, breathe, produce more sputum mist.
Tissue samples (Biopsy). Abnormal cells may be removed from the sample, the Biopsy to diagnose lung cancer procedure. The doctor may perform the Biopsy in many ways, including, where the doctor examines the Bronchoscopy my lungs was pipelines by using, which is passed down to the throat and lungs, abnormal areas, where Pierce mediastinoscopy is a surgical instruments in the neck and the base is added to the back of your own side to take samples of tissues; and the needle Biopsy, in which the doctor uses the images of x-ray or CT to guide the needle body and suspect nodule or lump-sum to collect cells. Biopsy of the lymph nodes may also cancel or in other areas, where the cancer has spread, such as the liver.
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